Thursday, December 30, 2010

It’s 12/25/2010 - Christmas day! The weather was nice and I spent about 2 hrs in my garden, talking to God; well actually, He did most of the talking and I listened. Here’s how it went…

With God all things are possible. I still have a few blooms on the lantanas and a red gerber daisy; they survived the 20+ degree weather. At first I was sad that the plants had either died or been cut back for the winter, but Al’s and Ivia’s words turned my attitude around.

AL – “Winter is when God purges the earth to get ready for new growth in the spring.” Oh, yes, Al was raised on a farm in the Midwest. I am asking God to purge me, too, of all unkind thoughts, grudges, resentment, anger, laziness, procrastination, intolerance, anxiety, fear, and doubt. And please replace them with joy, love, peace, happiness, energy, promptness, dependability, reliability, compassion, and tolerance.

Ivia – “Your garden is beautiful in the winter; you can see all these wonderful sculptures.” Oh, yes, that reminded me; I originally started it as a sculpture garden anyway, because sculptures are so much easier to care for than plants.

Beautiful sculptures – some were covered up by the plant growth, especially the lantanas and 4 o’clocks but now I can see them all clearly! And each of them was put in the garden because they represented something. For example, the turtles are now seen and they stand for slow and steady perseverance and a firm foundation, a physical foundation like Mother Earth, and, most importantly, an unwavering spiritual foundation. A foundation based on God’s peace, faith, belief, grace, truth, and love. I can also see the intricate Celtic designs on the sides of the bench and the planters again.

Butterfly stepping stones – remind me of change and that this change in the weather is good for my garden and for me.

Dragonfly stepping stones – remind me that God is still in control and His angels are still guarding me and guiding me in the way in which I must go (the way of God’s truth, with no negative forces or thoughts pulling me down).

Celtic Art – recalls eternity and continuity – My faith, belief, and knowledge of God’s Truth has not changed, and God’s faithfulness to me has not changed, despite the visible changes in my garden.

Red crown–of-thorn potted plants – we protect them from the cold by bringing them inside on freezing nights, like God and the angels are protecting us; they remind me that Christ died for our sins – and our illnesses – and that by his stripes we are healed.

Fairy with the pool of water that the rabbit and raccoon were drinking from – God is still providing food, water, healing, etc – all the things I need physically, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. I am anxious for nothing.

It is helpful to look up at my new garden sign on the cross that says, “God speaks in the garden.” I frequently look up at it and say, what do you have to say to me Lord? I’m listening!!!” It also reminds me not to do all the talking. Take time to listen to Him!!!!!

Pictures: There are 2 pictures of the sculpture garden itself in its winter form; and one picture of the swing, which I am enjoying on warm days; I can sit in it and admire the beauty of God’s handiwork in the skies , the trees , and on the ground. There is a picture of me at the wedding with my Celtic jewelry. The necklace was sent to me by a friend, Susan, in Spain and Dorothy bought me the earrings when she was in Great Britain. For those of you who are wondering what Al wore under his kilt, here is your answer – SpongeBob Square Pants boxers! He thought he’d give the kids a laugh if the wind blew his kilt up. lol

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